Underwater Burning and Welding Fabricator

Course Details - Underwater Burning and Welding Fabricator

This highly intensive course is taught by one of our highly experienced AWS/ISO coded underwater welder instructors and provides excellent theoretical and practical knowledge for anyone wishing to work on diving projects which have underwater burning or welding included as part of the work scope.

Topside gas cutting techniques using oxygen and acetylene methods are also taught making this a well rounded practical training experience.
Upon completion, course graduates should be able to demonstrate suitable knowledge and competent practical application in the scope areas below, and will receive a competence award which is valid for three years.


IMCA Best Industry Practice
Pre-Use Safety
Risk Assessing
Equipment Variations,
Equipment Set Up
Underwater Safe Usage
Break Down Procedures
Post Use Safety Checks
Safe Storage.
Practical Assessment:

Surface Welding Techniques
Surface Gas Cutting Techniques
Equipment Set Up and Testing
Correct Diver Dress for Workscope
In-Water Preparation
Underwater Stitch Welding Techniques
Underwater Oxy – Arc Cutting Techniques
Correct Surface Operations Procedures
Safe Breakdown Procedures
